
welcome to my site
my name is mark withington and this my first attempt at a web page. its not pretty, i know, i'm a graphic designer, but i just wanted something plain and simple so i could showcase some of my stuff and let people know a little about me (if they're interested). use the links above to navigate yourself around, hopefully there is something there that you'll find coo'. there is a small selection of my drawings that i've actually bothered to scan, click on the drawing link for that. i am also working on a story that i've been mulling and procrastinating over for about 5 years now... i'm in the process of turning it into a comic so if you're into that kind of thing, head to the comic link. otherwise there is some stuff about me, some rantings, tributes to people and things that make my life more meaningful, and a bunch of links to junk that i think is cool. you'll also note the contact link in case you feel the need to email me. so please, feel free to look around, but don't take anything... i'm watching you. | 
current obsessions
smeagol: 'the rock and pool is nice and cool'
lotr in general
twin peaks, xfiles, futurama
growing a beard | 